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Full-Toolbox Agency SEO, CRO and PPC

Cairns, Queensland, Australia

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia




At Mindesigns, we are passionate about helping our clients achieve their online goals through effective and customized SEO, CRO and PPC solutions. We believe that a strong online presence is essential to succeed in today's digital landscape, and we are committed to using our expertise to help you achieve exceptional results.

Our team is made up of experienced professionals who are dedicated to staying up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices. We understand that every client is unique, and we take the time to understand their business goals so that we can develop a tailored strategy that delivers real results.

One of the things that sets us apart from other SEO agencies is our commitment to transparency and communication. We believe that our clients should always be informed about what we are doing and how it impacts their online presence. That's why we provide regular updates and reports on our progress, and we are always available to answer any questions or concerns that our clients may have.

Fiyatlandırma modeli
  • Saatlik oran
  • Avans
  • Proje-odaklı
  • $1,000 +
Coğrafi odak
  • Australia
  • İngilizce
  • İspanyolca
Başarı hikayeleri


Our Client from EMG antennas struggled for many years to grow his business. The main challenge was to bring in a steady flow of clients so he could hire more employees. Specifically, to achieve steady growth and focus on higher-quality services while also delivering typical antenna installations.


Our solution was to grow his website traffic through content creation and creating a Google Ads campaign which we still manage today. We also helped create landing pages throughout our engagement and optimised different website areas to improve performance and conversions.


We actually achieved terrific results with this client in just one year. More specifically - We managed to increase the amount of leads the client received so he could grow his business to three individuals - We increased web traffic from avg 1-3 visits/day to 60-80 visits/day!


SheMaps previous SEO consultant didn't offer much in terms of generating traffic to their website, which resulted in a big waste of cash. They also never set up correctly the web analytics display and reporting. So, they needed someone to pick up the SEO work and also help set up their dashboard.


The first step was to meet SheMaps marketing leader to discuss their business’s goals. Then, we consolidated the data to be more equipped to provide our marketing recommendations and our scope of work. We mainly focused on improving UX/UI design, creating content and maintaining website performance.


We worked with SheMaps throughout 2022. During this period, we significantly improved their website SEO performance. More specifically - It increased web Traffic from 23,000 to 70,000 a year - Reduced the website bounce rate - And improved shop UX/UI design, resulting in 30% more sales.


GeoNadir struggled with driving traffic to their website through SEO marketing. They went through several agencies and freelancers but did not get the results they had in mind. They also later discovered that their website had many technical issues that the previous agencies missed.


We devised a creative SEO approach to leverage GeoNadir's business activities to drive more website traffic. We used Geonadir's website as a registration tool for their live events, which increased traffic. More traffic is a signal that improves Google's ranking, and that is exactly what happened.


After 10 months, we had 10x GeoNadirs website traffic using this strategy. And currently, their website is consistently getting 30-50 visits a day. As part of our scope of work, we also improved their core web vitals, solved technical issues and took care of other general web maintenance activities.

Cairns, Queensland, Australia Mindesigns ajansı, SheMaps - Cairns, Australia için, dijital pazarlamalarını, SEO ve işlerini büyütmesi konusunda yardımcı oldu
Cairns, Queensland, Australia Mindesigns ajansı, The Finn Group - Melbourne, Australia için, dijital pazarlamalarını, SEO ve işlerini büyütmesi konusunda yardımcı oldu
Cairns, Queensland, Australia Mindesigns ajansı, GeoNadir - Cairns, Australia için, dijital pazarlamalarını, SEO ve işlerini büyütmesi konusunda yardımcı oldu
Cairns, Queensland, Australia Mindesigns ajansı, James Cook University - Cairns, Australia için, dijital pazarlamalarını, SEO ve işlerini büyütmesi konusunda yardımcı oldu
Cairns, Queensland, Australia Mindesigns ajansı, SellGold Sydney - Sydney, Australia için, dijital pazarlamalarını, SEO ve işlerini büyütmesi konusunda yardımcı oldu
Cairns, Queensland, Australia Mindesigns ajansı, Boab - Melbourne, Australia için, dijital pazarlamalarını, SEO ve işlerini büyütmesi konusunda yardımcı oldu
Cairns, Queensland, Australia Mindesigns, Local Business Awards Finalist 2023 ödülünü kazandı
Cairns, Queensland, Australia Mindesigns, JCU Innovation in Marketing Award 2024 ödülünü kazandı
Cairns, Queensland, Australia Mindesigns, Local Business Awards Finalist 2022 ödülünü kazandı

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